7 facial products you should take on your trip Skip to main content

7 facial products you should take on your trip

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Hello people! How are you?

   Often when traveling, we remember all our makeup kit and ended up forgetting about our skin. Then there is a list of 7 products that we can not forget when traveling.

1) Sunscreen: These are easy to find in travel size. Choose your FPS and be sure to put in the necessaire.

2) Facial moisturizer for the day: It is super important to moisturize the skin wherever we go. Choose your preferred moisturizer, considering your skin type, and put it in the pouch.

3) Soap/Gel makeup remover: Ideally, take something to use during the bath. So we do not waste so much time removing the makeup and also remove an item from the necessaire that is the cotton package. Which opens space for other necessary items.
    Ideally, take advantage of these promotional kits that already come with a travel size sample. Or, take advantage of those sachets we get out there. On my last trip, I took sachets from the Intense line of O Boticario (brazilian brand). Do not be shy, ask for a sample to try 😏.

4) Soap/Facial Cleansing Gel: Look, the makeup remover will remove just the makeup. Skin cleansing has to be done. Again, I recommend something to use in the shower to make it easier.

5) Serum: Whatever it is, anti-aging, nutrition, anti-acne... Normally, these products are already sold in sizes quite conducive to a necessaire. And you can not fail to apply it if you are in a dermatological treatment.

6) Eye Serum: The reason is the same as the previous tip. They are small and easy to carry. There is always some shop offering as a gift in some purchase. Enjoy and save for when you travel. Check the validity before!

7) Facial moisturizing cream for the night: That moisturizer that may be anti-age or not but we always use before bed to wake up like a diva.

    Leave out products such as cotton, packets of make-up wipes, micellar water, thermal and other immense products that will only make volume in your suitcase. You will rarely have the patience to do the full face treatment.
    Focus on what you will need these days. The photo of the post, for example, shows two types of hydrant eye cream, a Korres tube and a Benefit sachet. I'd take the sachet.

Do I really need the 7 products ???

    It depends on the need of your skin and the functions of the products you have. For example, my night-time facial moisturizer can replace my serum for a few days. It has an anti-aging effect (though much smaller than the serum) and will moisturize me as I need it.
    Another dual function tip may be that of your facial cleansing gel. Make sure it has a make-up removal action. You could replace item 3.
    Again, invest in the kits that come with travel-sized sample and the gifts that we get with purchase. They leave much more space on the necessaire, especially the sachets.

Conscious Tip: Beware of water use. Since I have indicated that it is best to use the products in the bath, we will be aware and close the shower while massaging the products on the skin 😉.





Curél Itch Defense body wash - Does it work?

Hi people! How are you doing? I hope everything is fine!    I got this sample in one of my beauty boxes and waited for the right time to try. This body conditioner acts as a cleanser and promises to deduce to even prevent the itching caused by dry skin or other skins conditions.    I decided to apply as a post depilatory body wash. Every time I shave I feel my legs very dry and if I do nothing about it, the skin itches. So, I’ve waited to the second day after shaving to give it a try. At first, I saw no difference. But then, I noticed my skin less irritated. I applied this body wash for 3 days and my skin was much better since.      Seams to be a good option for dry skin. I liked😉.

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