Hello everyone, how are you? Para a versão em Português, clique aqui . Have you ever had a question like that about the Beauty Blender? Well, I'm here to tell you what I found out of this two. After all, an original Beauty Blender comes at a very salty price (at least for me), for you to waste your money... As you can see from the photo, my pink sponge needed to be changed. I took advantage of a friend who went to visit some relatives outside Brazil and asked her to bring one for me (who never?). When it came to choosing, I thought, "Why not a different color?" - there I chose the black, without researching on the subject... Let's talk a little about the original first: The Pink Beauty Blender revolutionized the world of makeup because it is a very soft sponge that leaves an extremely perfect finish for the powder, concealer, foundation and so on. You should always soak the sponge, I say, put it underwater even. After removing the excess wa...
Olá pessoal! Aqui eu posto resenhas sobre o que vem nas minhas caixas de beleza e outras coisas que gosto de testar por aí. Para dicas e cnsultoria, sigam o Instagram: @viviandedemartins