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Showing posts from July, 2018

My hair removal experience with the Alexandrite laser (with photos!)

Hello guys!     Today we are going to talk about what I am thinking of my hair removal with the Alexandrite laser. I've been researching before posting and noticed that few reviews show photos of the outcome of the procedure. It takes courage to expose the armpits so the world will see 😅. This post will be updated to the end result. Come closer!!     How does hair removal work with this laser? Basically, it acts on melanin, which is a pigment present in our hair (some people have more in quantity than the others).  The energy of the laser is led by the wire through the melanin to the hair follicle. As a result, there may be destruction or retardation of the bulb's ability to produce a new yarn.  For this reason, a single session is not sufficient for final removal. As the sessions progress, the hairs that are left are being destroyed until they are completely eliminated. Due to its performance through melanin, the darker the hair, the ...

That Girl Fashion Up - Push up bra - Does it work?

Hi people, all good? Today I bring a tip that was very useful to me.    I was the bridesmaid of my brother-in-law's wedding and decided to wear this gorgeous dress that had only a lace on the back. At first, I would go with nothing at all. The dress has two fabrics (the lining and the cover). In the part of the breasts it had a fine bulge, only to "hold the beacon", and the lace. But none of that left the breasts erect. I'm not much of a silicone fan on my back. I think it seems apparent and it bothers me. Then I began the search for other alternatives.   After a little search on the Internet, I found several models of stickers that replace the bra and promise to elevate the breasts.  I bought this kit with 2 pairs.   The instructions are simple, just follow the packaging. I found it interesting that this model can be adjusted by trimming the adhesive.      You have to pay close attention to balancing the position ...

Lenços demaquilantes Luisance - Será que são bons?

Olá pessoas, como estão?    Quem me acompanha por aqui sabe que eu gosto de remover a maquiagem com um sabonete, preferencialmente, durante o banho. Mas devo confessar que tem dias que preciso remover a maquiagem com mais do que um sabonete.     Normalmente, quando faço uma make mais pesada, a minha rotina é: 1- remover a maior parte com um lenço demaquilante ou algodão umidecido com demaquilante ou água micelar; 2- lavar o rosto com sabonete demaquilante; 3- lavar o rosto com sabonete de tratamento (anti-idade do tipo Effaclar ou Vichy); 4- tonificar; 5- hidratar. Quando a make tá mais leve (sem usar base, por exemplo), eu sigo os passos 2, 3 e 5.     Bem, vamos ao que interessa... Maquiagem do dia Prós - Preço: foi o que chamou mais atenção. Estava na farmácia por R$6,50. Comprei. - Embalagem: esta ganha em dois quesitos  - tamanho - ótimo para levar na bolsa - tampa - além do filme adesivo, ela possui um modelo ...