My hair removal experience with the Alexandrite laser (with photos!) Skip to main content

My hair removal experience with the Alexandrite laser (with photos!)

Hello guys! 
   Today we are going to talk about what I am thinking of my hair removal with the Alexandrite laser. I've been researching before posting and noticed that few reviews show photos of the outcome of the procedure. It takes courage to expose the armpits so the world will see 😅. This post will be updated to the end result. Come closer!!

   How does hair removal work with this laser? Basically, it acts on melanin, which is a pigment present in our hair (some people have more in quantity than the others). The energy of the laser is led by the wire through the melanin to the hair follicle. As a result, there may be destruction or retardation of the bulb's ability to produce a new yarn. For this reason, a single session is not sufficient for final removal. As the sessions progress, the hairs that are left are being destroyed until they are completely eliminated. Due to its performance through melanin, the darker the hair, the better the result.

   What led me to decide for the laser? I was on the Xuxa show (famous Brazilian TV presenter) and was drawn to win 3 underarm hair removal sessions. The sessions are held in the Laser Space of Shopping Via Parque - RJ, in which Xuxa is a partner and owner. After explaining the method, I opted to complete the treatment, with 10 sessions (with a nice discount 😁 - this is not a publi; I wish!).

   What am I thinking? Early in the first session, I noticed a decrease in the number of hairs. But that was not the end result. The hairs actually fell over the week. About pain, this procedure has a cryogenic cooling system, triggered before the laser, which cools and "anesthesizes" the skin. It's going to hurt a little, but it's almost nothing. Unfortunately, I did not take a picture of it before :( It's that I went for an evaluation and decided to close the package there.

Photo soon after the first session (03/14/2018)
A week later (03/21/18). Notice that there are spaces in the lower part where the hairs disappeared. My hair began to fall that first week.

   The hairs begin to fall between 10 and 15 days after the laser and the interval between sessions is between 30 and 45 days. Mine only started to grow when I was about to shave again. But this varies for each person and each type of hair.

After 2 weeks (03/28/18). Note that there are longer and thinner hairs, which are the ones that had the follicle damaged rather than destroyed. Still, some fell over time.

Result after 28 days (04/12/18). This is zooming. At a normal distance between another person, the hair is almost imperceptible.


   It is important to know that hair will continue to grow! So we must insist on the sessions. The recommendation is that they are trimmed 3 days before the next session. You do not have to let everything grow up waiting next time. If you feel uncomfortable, just use the blade or another method you use regularly. Remember that it has to be at most 3 days before the laser.

34 days later. Photo before the second session (04/18/18). I did not shave 3 days before because I thought I did not need it. I went ahead a little because I had an upcoming event.
Result after the second session (04/18/18). Those loose hairs are falling.
   Today, 05/27/18 (39 days after the second session), the armpit is like this (photo below). I have not yet scheduled the third session. Note that by waiting for the correct time (30-45 days), the hairs grow back. I shaved with the blade 2 days ago because it started to become very visible. Continuous exposure is really necessary for epilation to have a definitive effect.

Day 05/27/18 (39 days after the second session).
Hi people! Last Saturday (06/08/18), I did my third session. This time, the hairs did not all fall at once. I could not do it for 45 days because I was out of town.

Result of the day of depilation (08/06; 3rd session). Little by little the hair is falling. I come back to show.


Hi people! I bring news as promised. The hairs began to fall in a week. As you can see, the results from month to month are not very different. I will change this update dynamics a bit. With each session, I come here and I set the date for you to follow. I will stop posting photos until I see a more radical change in the result. When I'm near the end of treatment, I come back with pictures. Stay tuned!

The remaining hairs, which are few, I will depilate with the blade.
03-14-18 first session

04-18-18 second session (34 day break)

06-08-18 third session (51 day break)

07-28-2018 fourth session (50 day break) This time, the hairs took almost four weeks to grow.

09-15-18 fifth session (49 day break). I still have a few hairs growing. But it's so much less than the first time.

12-23-18 - This time I took more time because I moved the city. I had to transfer my contract to the new unit. Nothing has changed, the hair continues growing very thin.

2-16-2019 (55 days apart) - seventh session. I just did not have hair to epilate!! It took a lot longer to grow and I did not shave with the razor once! The physiotherapist asked me to go the next time. If it did not have fur, just remarked. It seems that everything is within the norm.

03-16-2019 (28 days apart) - this time I had hair but was very little. I did not need to shave during the break.

This picture was taken at 05-16. 
05-11-2019 (56 days apart) - the hairs took a long time to grow in this range and had almost nothing. We did the session just to burn the fine hair that was there. The recommendation is to wait, know if it will grow hair, and then schedule.

20-07-2019 (70 days apart) - Only a few hairs left. Due to the schedule, I couldn't go earlier. As I was informed at the clinic, I should keep an eye on whether it will grow bigger. If they grow back, I should go back to take a photo and request more sessions...

2016-12-28 - I started to notice hair growth in some areas this month. I will contact them to take the photo and request more sessions. I'll be back to tell you everything here!



Curél Itch Defense body wash - Does it work?

Hi people! How are you doing? I hope everything is fine!    I got this sample in one of my beauty boxes and waited for the right time to try. This body conditioner acts as a cleanser and promises to deduce to even prevent the itching caused by dry skin or other skins conditions.    I decided to apply as a post depilatory body wash. Every time I shave I feel my legs very dry and if I do nothing about it, the skin itches. So, I’ve waited to the second day after shaving to give it a try. At first, I saw no difference. But then, I noticed my skin less irritated. I applied this body wash for 3 days and my skin was much better since.      Seams to be a good option for dry skin. I liked😉.

Minha experiência com a depilação a laser Alexandrite (com fotos!)

Créditos da imagem: IG @balaozinhos    Olá pessoal! Hoje vamos falar sobre o que eu estou achando da minha depilação com o laser Alexandrite. Andei pesquisando antes de postar e notei que poucas resenhas mostram fotos do resultado do procedimento. É preciso ter coragem de expor as axilas assim para o mundo ver 😅. Esse post será atualizado até o resultado final. Chega mais!!     Como funciona a depilação com esse laser? Basicamente, ele atua sobre a melanina, que é um pigmento presente em nossos pêlos (algumas pessoas tem em maior quantidade do que as outras). A energia do laser é conduzida pelo fio por meio da melanina até o folículo capilar. Como resultado, pode haver a destruição ou o retardamento da capacidade do bulbo a produzir um novo fio. Por este motivo, uma sessão única não é suficiente para a remoção definitiva. Com o andar das sessões, os pêlos que sobraram vão sendo destruídos, até que sejam eliminados por completo. Devido à sua atuação por meio da melanina, qu

Dica rápida / Quick tip: Bourjois full volume mascara

Oi gente!! Tô amando essa máscara de cílios💙  É perfeita pra quem gosta de fazer camadas (mas não pode deixar secar muito entre uma e outra).  Ela não é à prova d'água mas já peguei uma chuva leve e notei que não escorreu.  Outra coisa que notei, é que dá um efeito alongado também. Comprei na  #Sephora  por R$39.90 com o meu cupom do  #Sephorabeautyfit . O preço está bem razoável. Nome: Bourjois full volume.  #dicadodia . . I love this eyelash mask.  It's perfect for those who like to make layers (but can not let them dry much between one and the other).  It is not waterproof but I already caught a light rain and noticed that it did not drain.  Another thing I noticed is that it gives an elongated effect as well.  I bought it at  #Sephora  (Brazil)  with my  #Sephorabeautyfit  coupon. Name: Bourjuis full volume.